1. What
    1. Visual fixation of the main ideas
    2. Idea, not Art
    3. Allowed level of graphics in the current context
    4. Sketching & doodling for the purpose
    5. Process, not result
  2. When
    1. Always, people always created sketches
    2. Mike Rohde
      1. @rohdesign
  3. Where
    1. Home, Education, Work
    2. Visualization and facilitation of processes
  4. Who
    1. EveryOne
    2. You should not be an artist
  5. How
    1. Just take a pen!
    2. Leaning available works
    3. Constant Practice and improvement
    4. Follow the rules or break them
    5. Create your visual vocabulary
  6. How Many
    1. The bigger, the better
  7. Why
    1. Unlock your creativity
    2. creative freedom
    3. verbal and nonverbal learning process
    4. Combining text and graphics allows us to remember more data
      1. associative thinking
        1. creative thinking
    5. Joy & Fun
    6. Focus, Search for gaps and their elimination
      1. systematization of knowledge
    7. Create something new
    8. Help others
  8. A few tips
    1. No fear!
    2. Practice and continuous improvement
    3. Constant experiments
    4. Constant Learning
    5. Start with a simple
    6. Emotions. Memories. Sensations
    7. Use metaphors
    8. Comfortable environment
      1. But exit from the comfort zone
    9. Share your works
      1. Do not think about count of likes and reposts