1. Sigmund Freud
    1. Psychoanalysis
      1. everything has meaning
      2. early development
      3. unconscious
      4. 3 parts of personality
        1. ID
          1. totally unconscious
          2. pleasure principle
        2. Ego
          1. reality principle
          2. choices
          3. balance
          4. function w/in what is real
        3. Superego
          1. morality principle
          2. shoulds, oughts
          3. rights and wrongs
          4. learned from society
  2. Wilhelm Widst
    1. Father of Psychology
      1. Germany 1849
    2. conscious experience
    3. introspection
  3. John B. Watson
    1. Behaviorism
      1. observable behavior
      2. believed in conditioning
        1. stimulus
        2. response
        3. conditioning
        4. learning
  4. Abraham Maslow
    1. Humanism
      1. subjective human experiences
      2. free will
      3. self esteem
      4. spiritual needs
      5. love and belonging
      6. self actualization
  5. Max Wertheimer
    1. Gestalt
      1. response to structuralism
      2. whole is greater than its parts
      3. Germany nineteenth century
  6. Edward B. Titchener
    1. structuralism
      1. breaking experiences down
      2. structure of thinking
  7. William James
    1. functionalism
      1. animal behavior
      2. religious experience
      3. abnormal behavior
      4. the mind and adaptation
  8. B.F. Skinner
    1. well known Behaviorist
      1. actions controlled by rewards and punishments
      2. Skinner Box
      3. radical behaviorist
        1. thinking can't explain behavior