1. Contact
    1. Transmediameans.com
    2. @transmediameans
    3. bschneid@yorku.ca
  2. Wolfkin
    1. About.Me
    2. Twitter
  3. Definitions
    1. elements of a fiction spread across different delivery channels
    2. each channel adds it's own unique contribution
    3. Alt Names
      1. Cross Med Com
      2. Multi plat stories
      3. Hybrid
      4. Deep Med
      5. Intertexual comodotiy
    4. stories beyond single screen/boundry
    5. Normal - Questions raised: questions answered
    6. Trans - Questions raised: not answered in movie.... youhave to engage other media
  4. History
    1. GOes back long time
    2. Sample - Wizard of Oz
      1. original book 1900
      2. extended numerous
      3. Ex: Wicked
    3. Media Lanscape - 1970was was the "old media" cinema, books, magazines, etc
    4. Current landscape - extended MUCH more
      1. 2D Media
      2. MMORPG
      3. 3D Games
      4. Augmented Reality
      5. Social Media
      6. Physical Media
    5. Terms
      1. Narratology
        1. Who is telling
        2. How it's telling
        3. depth and range
        4. space and time
        5. overlap of extensions
      2. Ludology
        1. study of games
        2. receiving and playing thru stories
      3. Relevant of Film Studies
        1. no transmedia franchises without film
        2. each project can be analyzed cinematically
          1. form
          2. style
          3. techniques
          4. genre
          5. authorship
          6. national TMS (transmedia studies) projects
      4. Tentpole
        1. Core Medium of the story
          1. could be first book or first movie etc
        2. Do not like idea of tentpole or the concept of tentpole?
      5. migratory cues
        1. cues to signal extention to another medium
      6. negative capability
        1. building gaps into a narrative to evoke uncertainty
      7. Intertextuality
        1. effective co-presence of two texts
        2. "The readers perception of the relations between a text and all the other texts that have preceded or followed it" - Michel Riffaterre
        3. Ex: The Sweet Hereafter - Film
          1. Scene with reading of the Piped Piper
          2. Links to the real life of hamlin
      8. Keys to Transmedia storytelling
    6. Participatory
      1. TMS requires participation
      2. Reward is ownership
        1. we are the active creator of the story process
    7. Intermediality
      1. interconnectedness of modern med of communications
      2. different media depend on and refer to each other
        1. explicitly
        2. implicitly
      3. 2D classic games vs Silent films
  5. Change
    1. Social Television
  6. Tech
  7. Gamification
    1. ARG
      1. Email
      2. phone
      3. SMS
      4. Real Time Contacts
      5. Online engagements
    2. using game thinking and mechanics to engage audience and solve problems
    3. Problem: Consumer loyalty
    4. Ex: Heartland
      1. Click management Facebook Game
        1. appeals to female audience particularly of the demo
    5. Augmented Reality
      1. Digital images on top of real world
      2. Methods
        1. mobile handset
        2. glasses
        3. contacts
    6. The Witness
      1. German Film
      2. 13th Street productions
    7. Video Projection Mapping
      1. turns any surface into dynamic video display
      2. software to warp and mask on irregular surfaces
      3. Ex: Bacardi Dragon
  8. Narrative Strategies
    1. Case Studies
      1. Ex: Pandemic
        1. ARG
        2. took place in Utah
        3. Subtopic 3
        4. HopeisMissing.com
        5. Design
      2. Ex: Walt Disney
        1. Films, TV, Music, Merch
        2. DisneyLand
        3. Mag
        4. Publications
        5. Comic Strips
        6. Design
      3. Ex: Guidestones
        1. Toronto-based ARG
        2. two Ryserson students need to research Christian architechture
        3. apocalyptic
    2. Design
      1. creating TMS from start
      2. Ex: narrative map of in progress
        1. about #Algren (american author)
      3. participation heavily invested
      4. Ex: Program Conductor - school kids
      5. Ex: Collapsus.com
    3. Development
      1. Most stories begin in a single medium; achieve success; then branch out
      2. Ex: Star Wars
        1. Extends to every imagineable media
        2. The Knights of the Old Republic
        3. The Old Republic
        4. Commercial Transmedia supersystem
          1. Problems - Core message/story lost in the noise due to loss of authorship
          2. Consumer doesn't know where to get most of the story... original format or extensions
    4. Adaptation
      1. straightforward
      2. Shutter Island
        1. 1. Book
        2. 2. Film
        3. 3. Graphic Novel
      3. The Godfather
        1. Book 1969
        2. Movie 1972
          1. Francis Coppola
        3. Game 2006
          1. Copolla upset; used minor characters and made them major and commit violent
    5. Issues
      1. Allowing audience participation
        1. Subtopic 1
  9. Branding
    1. story extensions as brand extensions
    2. mostly commerical marketing campaigns
    3. Ex: WhySoSerious?
      1. The Dark Knight ARG
      2. Joker based