1. Revenues
    1. Ads = 85%
    2. Payments
      1. Promote a post
  2. Leading Social Networking Site (SNS)
    1. Helps users to stay connected with friends, families and colleagues
    2. Sharing ideas, photos and activities
  3. Free of charge products
    1. Timeline
    2. News feed
    3. Photos and videos
    4. Messages
    5. ...
  4. Statistics
    1. 1.55 billion active users
    2. 250 millions photos/day
    3. 2.7 billion likes and comments/day
  5. Advertisers
    1. Based upon information shared by users
      1. Age
      2. Gender
      3. Location
      4. ...
    2. Highlights a user with a brand or business
    3. Create Facebook pages
      1. Engage with interested customers
      2. Simulate an ongoing dialog
  6. Development tools
    1. Build apps including Facebook
      1. Desktop apps
      2. Mobile apps
      3. Websites
  7. Investments
    1. Data centers
    2. Instagram
      1. Bought for 1 billion
    3. Marketing
  8. Main partnerships
    1. Netflix
      1. TV shows
    2. Spotify
      1. Music
    3. Washington Post
      1. News