1. Copyright, 2011 F. Mohidin, http://www.usingmindmaps.com
  2. 1. Vision
    1. What are my roles?
      1. Remember that each role has different requirements
      2. Each role can be at a different level of maturity
    2. Do I have a long term vision for each of these roles?
    3. How do I see myself in each role?
    4. Document my vision
      1. What methods do I prefer?
  3. 2. Motivation
    1. Do I have motivational methods?
    2. Do I have motivational material?
    3. Do I program myself regularly?
    4. Do I try to live my Vision?
  4. 3. Goals
    1. Are my goals documented for a year?
    2. What are my milestones for the year?
    3. Read article on SMART Goals
    4. Do I have SMART Goals?
  5. 4. Plan
    1. Have I put a plan in place for the Goals of each of my roles?
    2. What is my Yearly Plan?
    3. Can I derive a quartely, monthly and weekly plan for each role?
    4. Understand that some roles need less planning than others
    5. Understand that each role can be at a different level of maturity
  6. 5. Learning
    1. Do I have a learning plan in place?
    2. Do I have a plan to increase my ability to learn faster and easier?
    3. Do I follow a good process when learning?
    4. Am I still only using boring, linear methods?
    5. How can I improve both learning process?
    6. Get a Learning Management Program